Sunday, March 15, 2009

15th March 2009

Ok, firstly, the fencing competition finals result. I got second place, which was actually more than what I had expected because of my absence from fencing training almost a year due to studies & work. I lost to one of my juniors though. He got much better due to his consistency in training and his experience when they all went for SUKMA last year and China for something that I forgot. *sigh* I missed out a lot. But never mind. This year, I'm going to concentrate a lot more in sports and try to still be able to do what I do best; music.

So now that's done, the next thing I've gotta concentrate on is my next gig with Quadro Forte at Hyatt. Can't wait to perform with my mates again =D . Well, that's all for now, and I'll update you people regarding the gig when it's done.

Till then, CHEERS!

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