Monday, August 20, 2012


20th Aug 2012. Man oh man... It's been awhile since I last updated my blog. Well, a lot has happened since then. The single & working life. I've gotten used to it. Apart from all that work & performing, I also had my practicals at RAM Productions under Roger Wang. It was a wonderful experience. Had the opportunity to learn a lot of things regarding studio work (mixing, recording, sequencing,minus one, etc.). Had the privilege of being one of the sound/stage crew for KK Jazz Fest 2012 that was held at the covered tennis court, Marina Court, Sutera Harbour. It...was...AWESOME! Of course, it was awesome being able to perform during the concert as well with Asif, Rene & Reo.

Put aside all that work & performance, there were a lot of ups & downs in my personal life. Was played (again) by this girl I met whom I thought was the next one. But as the French saying goes; c'est la vie. I learnt from it & my guard's been up ever since.y heart's gotten cold & it's hard for me to be happy anymore. I no longer find the joy of having any company from friends & family. But I still have the tendency of trying to keep them happy. Ironic. Able to make people happy but unable to make myself happy. I pray that this is just a test from God. But if my fate is to be alone & to fulfill other people's desires, then so be it.

On another issue, I just completed my internship. Next year, I'll be leaving for KL & probably won't. E returning KK anytime soon. Quite possibly even migrate to Australia. Life as a musician in Malaysia is painstakingly hard. It's almost impossible to make a good name for myself here, plus all the awful memories I have of this place. Although I've met wonderful people like Eman, Jude, Danielson, Gordon, and other friends (I'm sorry but the list goes on because that's how many awesome people I've met), I've decided to leave this place & make a living somewhere else.

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